Butterfly Photography
Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Butterfly Look-alikes
By Bob Danley
August 18, 2021
Yes, correct ID can be made even with distant views of the Monarch with ~3" wingspan.
Three species (red outline) similar to Monarch (upper left): Queen, Viceroy and Soldier (upper right clockwise)
Photographs and narrative are employed in the following pages to differentiate, identify the four similar species.
Upperwing What colors, patterns of this part of the wing define each of the four species?
Queen (Danaus gilippus): Note 4 large white spots and white-edged veins on dark orange wings. Found in southwest U.S., Gulf Coast, Florida
Soldier (Danaus eresimus): Note no large white spots and no white-edged veins on dark orange wings. Found in extreme southwest U.S., south Florida
Viceroy (Limenitis archippus): Note dark colored wing veins, one in particular is perpendicular to/crossing others. Diagnostic field mark. Found in all lower 48 States.
Monarch (Danaus plexippus): Note black colored wing veins (none bisecting ala Viceroy), mostly black wing tips. Diagnostic field marks. Found in all lower 48 States.
Underwing differences: red circles highlight patterns, colors Monarch lacks. Upper right clockwise: Queen, Viceroy, Soldier.
Monarch underwing: tan background, lacks 1) interior white spotting (Queen) 2) bar intersecting veins (Viceroy) 3) watermarks (Soldier)
Identification practice #1 What species?_________ Reason why___________
Identification practice #2 What species?_________ Reason why___________
Identification practice #3 What species?_________ Reason why___________
Identification practice #4 What species?_________ Reason why___________
Identification practice #5 What species?_________ Reason why___________
Identification practice #6 What species?_________ Reason why___________
Practice Answers: 1. Soldier 2,5,6 Monarch 3. Viceroy 4. Queen Reasons in photo descriptions