
Earth Day 2019

Beyond good thoughts…

This Earth Day take action. No abstract thoughts or feelings that paralyze you with dread or sadness. It is up to us to bend the arc of diminishing wildlife. Start with planting flowers!
We can make a difference!

Make it personal! Collectively, as individuals, we can bend the arc of diminishing wildlife. It is up to us. We can do this. Just rewild part of your yard.

It’s simple. Plant flowers, lots of them, of different species and bloom times. Don’t mow or use chemicals. Add a water feature. Make a brushpile. Bottom line let nature take its course with some of your elbow grease and patience.

The National Wildlife Federation has extensive information and advice creating backyard wildlife habitat. Care about pollinators, take the pledge from the Xerces Society. Join the Protect Our Species campaign as part of the Earth Day Network.

Thank you for your doing 😉