Found the snow and…
First, I found just the wind and cold. However, after only a couple minutes of scanning (white landscapes are perfect for finding dark moving objects) found some birds. Got out my spotting scope and slowly went through the flock counting and identifying the birds. Swept back and forth a couple of times over the flock, did not want to miss something special. The flock even flushed once and returned to the same spot for my viewing pleasure.

Anticipation of serendipity is one of the best things about birding or wildlife watching in general. Today was no exception counted 71 Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris) and wait for it…three Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis). Far out, just what I was hoping, looking for! Species #81 for the year. Usually, by this time of year snow has mostly disappeared from the local valley floor. That means snow buntings are somewhere much farther away and difficult to access. Got lucky today 😉