Rock Tripe lichen easily found and distinguished. Noted by any casual hiker encountering boulders or canyon walls. And rock, usually of granitic origin, is the main substrate on which they grow. Generic shape is crudely circular...
Category - Lichen
This category features lichen organisms that are models of symbiosis.
White doesn’t leave landscape after snow melt, e.g. …
At a distance looking like a late patch of snow. Wooly Foam Lichen (Stereocaulon tomentosum) After snow melt in spring this lichen resembles remaining small patches of snow. Like the other 33 species of the Stereocaulon genus it...
Weathered dog poop?
Looking like “fido” has been here Avoid stepping in, but not inspecting Worse than tracking mud in the house is dog poop. Since many wildlife areas are popular with the family pet “fido” too; it pays to be...
Trees can have “beards” too
Look closely at the pictured tree trunk. Looks normal except for some light green coloring on the bark. Is the green, moss? A closer look reveals no structure similar to a stem or leaf, so it isn’t a moss. The green...