
Introductory Look at Montana Wildflowers of the Lily Family

Fifteen out of the twenty genera (table below) of the Lily family, documented in Montana, are represented in this post. This constitutes 24 species taxonomically ordered following the original work of Arthur Cronquist (1947) as organized and edited in Lesica (2012). Both the number of genera and species rank out of the top 10 vascular plant groups for the state. However, these plants dominate swaths of the spring, summer landscape with bold colors, large form and sheer number.

Fifteen of the twenty Lily family genera found in Montana represented in this post

Flora of North America outlines the Lily family nationally as 70 genera of 478 species. Many recent studies have suggested Liliaceae should be reduced in size and scope. Current discussion among botanists are not in total agreement as to how this should be done. Wikipedia has a good overview of the evolving taxonomy of this family.

The purpose of this post is introduce you to the large and colorful flowers of these native wildflowers. Many cultivated flowers or ornamentals originate from this family. The photo gallery below has a single image representative (in reverse order from the table above) of each genera. In some cases additional media content is hyperlinked by genus via the table above.


Lesica, P. (2012). Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. Fort Worth, Texas: Botanical Research Institute of Texas.