Closer look at Northern Shoveler

- Order: Anseriformes
- Family: Anatidae
No matter what angle or time of year the Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata) is defined by its’ bill. This is blessing for birders observing ducks outside of breeding season when they have muted plumages. I did not expect to have this problem today, hey it is spring!

The bill is impressive and distinct alright, but so is the breeding plumage of this species. Check out the male with the dark green head, rufous flanks, black back offset overall by white. Especially impressive even in small migrant groups. And that is what I found today at Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge.

Even if you do not encounter this bird in large numbers their feeding behavior and vocalizations can be entertaining.

Sometimes photos can capture an animal “expression” that could be ascribed a human emotion. How would you characterize the look in the above photo?