
Should’ve been here few minutes ago…

Or alternatively have you been told: “you just missed it”. These are words frequently heard wildlife watching when joining others especially when looking at or for birds. Factors most affecting a sighting include: proximity; bird size, coloration, behavior; habitat type and quality; weather conditions.

Consider looking for a Turkey versus a Swainson’s Warbler in shaded, wooded, brushy habitat; both are not flashily colored. It’s fair to say that seeing the turkey is more likely just due to size.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago I was prepared to photograph wildflowers at a favorite National Forest site i.e. Maclay Flat (Missoula, MT). A wildlife watcher greeted me on my clockwise trek and told of a large mammal counter-clockwise to my current position on the circular trail. Immediately I changed directions, speeded up my walk and fumbled with my gear in preparation of taking video. I arrived at an old river side channel probably in about five minutes. Nada in sight, I heard the refrain in my head “should have been here a few minutes earlier”.

Was not bummed out at the outcome. I have photographed and filmed a Moose (Alces alces) at this spot seven times over a span of 9 years. Below is a YouTube video with snippets of some of observations.

Yes, I missed seeing this time, but have observed it seven out of last nine years.