

Habitat of Fritillaria pudica
Habitat look for Yellowbells

Bell shaped flower rings in early spring

Hard to miss by color and sometimes by size; Yellowbells (Fritillaria pudica) can reach 10 inches in height (Schiemann 2005). Growth is initiated from a bulb like many other members of the Lily family (Brandenburg 2010).
Turner and Gustafson (2006) detail habitat as “heavy soils that bake in summer, with grass or brush”.

Name describes flower perfectly
Tall forms of Fritillaria pudica
Growing to the light

Flowers grow to about 3/4 inch in length and the yellow petals are technically “tepals” (Lesica and Fitzpatrick Kimball 2010). The color of the tepals turn color with age, turning orange to red.

Tepals open, reveal stamen and anther
Mature flower turned a orange-red

Come to the Pacific Northwest to see this wildflower. Flora of North America detail 20 species in the Fritillaria genus for North America and about 100 species for the Northern Hemisphere. So there are a lot of places and other similar species to look for…get outside and discover!